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来源:   发布日期:2011-12-08
  报告题目:New Frontiers of Quantum Nano-Optical Physics from the Bottom-Up
  报 告 人:Prof. Min Ouyang
  University of Maryland – College Park
  In this talk I will present a few recent advances from my research group, involving a new scientific interface between nanomaterials, quantum physics, and ultrafast nano-optics. Through bottom-up nanoscale materials engineering, fundamental physics properties and coupling interactions, such as plasmon, exciton, and phonon, can be finely tailored within artificial nanostructures. If time allows, several specific examples centering on light-matter interactions will be further discussed, including phonon dynamics, resonant plasmon-exciton coupling, and plasmons enhanced coherent spin manipulation.
  Min Ouyang教授,1996年北京大学电子系本科毕业, 2001年美国哈佛大学化学系硕士、博士毕业,师从Charles M. Lieber教授。2002-2004年在加州圣巴巴拉分校做博士后研究,合作者D.D. Awschalom教授。目前是美国马里兰大学物理系副教授,材料学院兼职教授。Min Ouyang教授的研究领域是纳米材料物理与化学、纳米光子学。已在Nature、Science、 Nature Materials、PNAS、PRL、Nano Letters、Acc.Chem.Res.等国际著名期刊发表文章几十篇(其中Nature、Science 6篇),研究结果多次被国际著名新闻媒体专题报道,是Science, Nature, Nature Materials, Nano Lett., Phys.Rev.Lett. J.Am.Chem.Soc., IEEE Transactions, ACS Nano, Adv.Mater., Small等著名杂志审稿人,国际学术大会特邀报告达60余次,美国NSF,CRDF,荷兰NOW等基金的评审专家。曾获Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, NSF CAREER award, Ralph E. Powe award,ONR Young Investigator award, Beckman Young Investigator award, and University of Maryland Discovery award等多项奖励。