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来源:   发布日期:2011-11-21

题    目:Nanotechnology-A science with the face of Janus +An Introduction to Cranfield University and Cranfield Health
报告人:Professor Joe Lunec
时    间:11月21号14:00-16:00
地    点:研究生楼303

Nanotechnology, or nanotech, is the study and design of machines on the molecular and atomic level. To be considered nanotechnology, these structures must be anywhere from 1 to 100 nanometers in size. Instead of building microscopic motors and computers, researchers are interested in building superior machines atom by atom. Nanotech means that each atom of a machine is a functioning structure on its own, but when combined with other structures, these atoms work together to fulfill a larger purpose.

Professor Joe Lunec is Head of Cranfield Health, Cranfield University’s newest School.Professor Lunec is a graduate in Chemistry from Queen Mary College, University of London and has a PhD and DSc in Chemical Pathology from the University of London. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists and periodically a government advisor on Medical Toxicology issues.

题    目:Detection of [Ca2+] changes in sub-plasma membrane microdomains in a single living cell by an optical fiber-based nanobiosensor
报告人:Professor Shenqi Wang
时    间:11月21号14:00-16:00
地    点:研究生楼303

Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release is a general mechanism thatmost cells use to amplify Ca2+ signals. In heart cells,this mechanism is operated between voltage-gated L-type Ca2+ channels (LCCs) in the plasma membrane and Ca2+ release channels,commonly known as ryanodine receptors, in the sarcoplasmic reticulum.We show that the local Ca2+ signal produced by a single opening of an LCC, named a 'Ca2+ sparklet',can triggerabout ryanodine receptors to generate a Ca2+ spark. The coupling between LCCs and ryanodine receptors is stochastic,as judged by the exponential distribution ofthe coupling latency.

Dr Shenqi Wang obtained his PhD degree from Wuhan University of Technology. After his PhD study, he spent two years as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the key laboratory of bioactive materials, Ministry of Education, Nankai University. He joined Cranfield Health as a Marie Curie Fellow(MC-IIF) in September 2010.

题    目:On/off switchable smart functional imprinted polymers +Collaborative opportunities in research and education
报告人:Professor Yi Ge
时    间:11月30号14:00-16:00
地    点:研究生楼303
‘On/off’-switchable catalysis by a smart enzyme-like、imprinted polymer is reported.At a relatively low temperature, this polymer was capable of vigorous catalysisfor the hydrolysisof p-nitrophenyl acetate due to its hydrophilic networks. At higher temperatures , this polymer demonstrated poor catalysis  This novel imprinted polymer employed thermosensitive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) networks, thus enabling the switchable catalysis.

Dr Ge obtained his bachelors degree in Biopharmaceutics and went on to an MPhil degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Aston University. Afterwards,he moved to the University of Sheffieldfor a PhD in Chemistry.Then he joined Cranfield Health as a member of academic staff in the group of advanced sensor and smart material in 2006. He has served as the Vice-President of the International Association of Advanced Materials and the Associate Editor for
Advanced Materials Letters.

题    目:New Methods for the Preparation of Molecularly Imprinted Polymer-Based Nanoparticles, Fluorescent Sensors and Electrochemical Sensors
报告人:Professor Mike Whitcombe
时    间:11月30号14:00-16:00
地    点:研究生楼303

A novel approach to the introduction of recognition site functionality into highly cross-linked polymeric matrices via molecular imprinting has been developed for compounds with single (or multiple, spatially separated) hydroxyl groups. This new methodology relies on the use of the 4-vinylphenyl carbonate ester which functions as a covalently bound template monomer but is easily and efficiently cleaved hydrolytically with the loss of CO2.This results in the formation of a noncovalent recognition site,bearing a phenolic residue, capable of interacting with the ligand (template) through hydrogen bonding.

Mike obtained a BA in Chemistry from Oxford University and a PhD from London University on photoresist chemistry. He spent four years as a post-doctoral fellow at the Polymer Science Centre at The University of Reading working on photoactive liquid crystalline polymers and polymers for non-linear optics before joining the Institute of Food Research at Reading to work on imprinted polymers in 1991, moving to Norwich in 1999. He joined Cranfield University as a lecturer in 200