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来源:   发布日期:2011-06-02

        2011年是IBM诞生一百周年,IBM 100年的历史为人类的科学,商业和社会带来了巨大的影响。2011年6月9日,乐动(中国)软件学院特邀IBM全球软件部AIM总经理Marie L. Wieck与大家一起分享IBM公司一个世纪的洞见、奋斗与智慧。

时   间 : 2011年6月9日 15 : 30
地    点 : 乐动(中国)研究生楼101
演讲嘉宾 : Marie L. Wieck
演讲题目 : Pioneering the Science of Information
嘉宾简介 : Marie Wieck is the general manager for the Application & Integration Middleware (AIM) business unit in IBM Software Group. In this role, Ms. Wieck leads an organization of more than 7,500 software development, marketing, services, and sales professionals. She is responsible for IBM's WebSphere software portfolio and other strategic middleware products, including Web application servers, transaction and messaging systems, integration, and business process management solutions.