讲座题目:科学研究中的偶缘 A Taste of Serendipity
报 告 人:陆天尧
时 间:2019年10月25日(周五)10:00-11:30
地 点:中关村校区研究生教学楼104室
陆天尧,博士,台湾大学杰出讲席教授。1967年从台湾大学获得学士学位,1974年于美国芝加哥大学获得博士学位,之后于美国明尼苏达大学从事博士后研究工作,1976年起任职香港中文大学,开始独立建组开展科研工作;1988年回到母校,任职于台湾大学化学系;2006年起成为台湾大学讲席教授。同时,陆先生还担任台湾中央研究院化学研究所特聘研究员兼所长。陆先生担任台湾中央研究院化学研究所长期间,多次成功举办台湾中研院和中科院化学所等双边学术研讨会,为促进海峡两岸科学家的学术交流做出了积极的贡献。陆先生于2016年正式从台湾大学退休,并被聘为杰出讲席讲授和荣休教授,继续从事科学研究。陆先生的研究兴趣广泛,包括有机合成方法学,新颖高分子设计及合成,高分子材料化学,有机光电材料等方面,并取得了一系列创新性研究成果。迄今,已在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Acc. Chem. Res.等重要国际期刊上发表学术论文290多篇,专著1部。同时,担任Chem. Eur J.,Chem. Commun.等多个国际期刊的编委。由于卓著的学术成就,陆先生获得诸多奖项,包括:台湾中国化学会学术奖,台湾国科会杰出研究奖,教育部学术奖,行政院杰出科学技术人才奖,侯金堆杰出荣誉奖以及日本JSPS Fellow等。
Professor Tien-Yau Luh obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Chicago (with L. M. Stock) in 1974. After spending two years of postdoctoral research at the University of Minnesota (with P. G. Gassman), he began his independent research at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1976. He moved back in 1988 to his alma mater, National Taiwan University (NTU) where he has been University Chair Professor. He has published over 290 papers and has received numerous awards (e.g. Academic Award, Chemical Society Located in Taipei, 2012, JSPS Fellow, 2010, NTU Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, 2006-2012, Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica, 2001-2004, National Chair Award, Ministry of Education, 1999-2002, Ministry of Education Award for the Outstanding Research in Science, 1998, Ho Chin Tui Foundation Science Award, 1998, Outstanding Scholar Award, Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship, 1995-2000, Executive Yuan's Outstanding Award on Science and Technology, 1994). He is also serving as a member of the advisory/editorial board for ChemComm, Chemistry-A European Journal, The Chemical Record, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, Tetrahedron, Tetrahedron Letters and Springer Lecture Notes in Chemistry.
八零年末到九零年代中,我们的实验室发现了一系列反应,直接把硫缩醛中的碳硫键,转换成碳碳键。这些包括脱硫二聚反应,偶合烯化反应,烯丙基硫缩醛的偕二甲基化反应,以及炔丙基硫缩醛的成环反应,形成呋喃或吡咯环。这些反应可用于制备含取代基之poly(phenylene-vinylene),含硅烷取代基的烯类或双烯类的衍生物,由之可得到以硅烷基为桥联的高分子,由于硅烷基是正四面体的绝缘体,每个发色团都是独立的,其相互作用所呈现的光物理性质,或许可以让我们对高分子的折叠,提供一定的讯息。关于含呋喃或或吡咯环的芳香性寡聚物, 我们也会讨论这些化合物的独特的光物理性质。聚[2(6)-胺基薁]的结构的不同于聚苯胺,因此其性质亦相异。我们针对以上合成的共轭系统,扼要及系统性的回顾其光物理性质(吸收光谱,荧光,能量或电子转移,二阶非线性光学等)及应用的可行性(如电致发光及燃料电池)。
The word “serendipity”, based on Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is defined as “luck that takes the form of finding valuable or pleasant things that are not looked for”. I translate this word to Chinese as “偶緣”, because it may not only happen accidentally. but also offer an opportunity for exploration. Indeed, because of serendipity, I became a chemist. Through the past forty some years, we have encountered on several occasions serendipitous discoveries in our research. One may easily identify that some of our works were actually not because of well-planned projects, but happened to be discovered. From late eighties to mid nineties of last century, we have discovered a series of reactions to directly convert the two C-S bonds in dithioacetals into the corresponding C-C bonds. These approaches involve desulfurdimerization, olefination, geminaldimethylation of allylic dithioaceals, and annulation of propargylic dithioacetals to give furan and pyrrole rings. These reactions can be used for the synthesis of substituted poly(phenylene-vinylene)s, silyl-substituted alkenes or dienes. Starting from bis-silyl hydrides and bis-alkynes,.silylene-spaced divinylarenes copolymers were prepared by rhodium-catalyzed hydrosilylation. Since the silylene moiety can be considered as a tetrahedral insulating linker, the chromophore in these polymers might give unique photohysical properties due to intrachain chromophore-chromophore interactionsThese properties may offer interesting clue on the nature of polymer foldings. Furan orpyrrole-containing oligoaryls were also synthesized accordingly. Structurally, poly[2(6)-aminoazulene] and polyaniline are not same. Accordingly, the photophyaical properties of polyaniline are very different from those of poly[2(6)-aminoazulene].We have examined the photo-physical properties (including absorption, emission, FRET or PET, 2nd order NLO, etc) and potential applications (light emitting diodes or fuel cells) of the conjugated systems mentioned above. These characteristic properties and their potential will be briefly discussed.