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来源:   发布日期:2011-12-21
题 目:Awareness computing: What can we get by reinventing the wheel 
报告人:Dr. Qiangfu Zhao
        (Professor of University of Aizu, Japan)
时 间:2011年12月23日,星期五,下午2:00
地 点:乐动(中国)4号教学楼244教室

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a dream of researchers for decades. In the 1980s, Japan launched the 5th generation computer project, expecting to create AI in computers, but failed. Noting that logic approach alone is not enough, soft computing (e.g. neuro-computing, fuzzy logic and evolutionary computation) has attracted great attention since 1990s. After another 2 decades, however, we have not got any system that is as intelligent as a human, in the sense of "over-all performance". Instead of trying to create intelligence directly, we may try to create "awareness" first, and obtain intelligence "step-by-step".  Briefly, awareness is a mechanism for detecting any event without complete understanding. Depending on the complexity of the events to detect, aware systems can be divided into many levels. A low level aware system may not be clever enough to provide understandable knowledge about the events; it nevertheless can provide important information for higher level aware systems to make understandable decisions. In this talk, I will first review the state-of-the-art briefly, and then look at this field from a new perspective. I will try to clarify some related terminologies, and propose some problems to solve for creating intelligence through awareness computing.

He is a full professor at the University of Aizu, the head of System Intelligence Laboratory; director of the Information Systems and Technology Center; associate editor of IEEE Transactions on SMC-B; associate editor of the International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics; and associate editor of the International Journal of Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Computation. He is the founding co-chair of the Technical Committee on Awareness Computing in IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society and the Task Force on Aware Computing in IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. He has organized or co-organized several workshops/symposiums/conferences, including the 19th Symposium on Intelligent Systems (FAN2009); the 2009 International Workshop on Aware Computing (IWAC2009); the 2010 International Symposium on Aware Computing (ISAC2010); and the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST2011). He has published more than 140 referred journal and international conference papers related to optimal linear system design, neuro-computing, evolutionary computing, awareness computing, and machine learning.