3月6日科教智库论坛第三期预告:加拿大西安大略大学Professor Paul Tarc学术讲座
来源: 发布日期:2014-03-03
加拿大西安大略大学Professor Paul Tarc学术讲座
主题:Internationalizing Education: Humanist desires, pragmatic demands, new openings?
报告人:Paul Tarc
Title:Internationalizing Education: Humanist desires, pragmatic demands, new openings?
Abstract:Drawing upon his research on the creation and evolution of the International Baccalaureate, Professor Paul Tarc will discuss how the normative desires of international education come in tension with the more pragmatic realities of internationalization in a globalizing world. Is internationalizing education ultimately no more than branding and consumer satisfaction? What new ‘openings’ might be possible amidst the ‘short circuits’ in current times?
报告人简介:Paul Tarc是加拿大西安大略大学教育学院教授,本科为滑铁卢大学应用物理学专业和皇后大学物理和数学教育专业,博士为约克大学教育学专业。Paul Tarc曾在南美、东南亚和安大略省等国家(地区)从事研究9年。他以国际学士学位为研究内容,撰写了第一本书《全球梦,持续的冲突:在变化世界中的国际学士学位》(2009),赋予了全球化背景下国际教育中“国际”二字以历史意义,基于个人的国际经历最近出版了新书《全球时代的国际教育:从事教育教学》(2013)。
Paul Tarc is Professor in the Faculty of Education at Western University in London, Canada, holds the degree of PHD from York University in Education. He got Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics of University of Waterloo, and Bachelor of Education in I/S Physics and Mathematics ofQueen’s University His main research interests in progressive and critical modes of education are articulated through 'post'-informed theories of representation, ethics, subjectivity and pedagogy. His first book, Global dreams, enduring tensions: International Baccalaureate (IB) in a changing world (2009) , uses the IB as the focal point to historicize the 'international' of international education under globalization. His recently published book, International education in global times: Engaging the pedagogic (2013), focuses on the complex processes of learning and subject formation in and from one’s international experience.