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来源:   发布日期:2019-06-17
  讲座题目:科研创新之基本原则及其在材料领域的应用(Scientific innovation: principles and applications in materials research)
  报  告 人:许谷
  时    间:2019年6月25日上午9 :00-11:00
  地    点:研究生院5楼创新基地 
许教授1977年考入上海师大物理系,1984年获美国匹兹堡大学硕士学位,1986年获理学博士,1989年获哥伦比亚大学工程科学博士。之后加入加拿大麦克马斯特大学(McMaster University) 作博士后,并从1991年开始当助理教授。1996年获终身教职。2002年成为正教授。许教授的研究领域涉及物理化学、材料学、电化学、燃料电池、以及传感器等各个方面。目前主要集中于纳米材料,纳米技术在电化学能源、转换和存储方面,包括燃料电池、电池以及传感器等方面的研究开发。许教授是加拿大工程院院士,并担任过美国能源部和加拿大国家基金会基金甄选委员会成员。
Dr. Gu Xu is a Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Department at McMaster University, Canada. He received his Ph.D. degree in Physics from University of Pittsburgh, USA in 1987, and his Doc Eng Sci in Materials Science and Engineering from Columbia University, USA, in 1989. He then worked as a postdoc from 1989-1991, and became an Assistant Professor in 1991, Associate Professor in 1996 and Full Professor in 2002, all at McMaster University, Canada. He was elected as a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering in 2015. Dr. Xu’s research is focused on Polymer Fuel Cells, Nanostructures and Organic Opto-electronics. His team discovered the origin of the mysterious bi-stability, found in both organic light emitting devices and organic memory devices, in addition to the organic light emitting device degradation mechanism, involving the origin of dark spots as well as intrinsic mode, which led to the lifetime improvement to reach the commercialization threshold. His team also offered the first conclusive evidence of hydrogen saturation in carbon nanotubes, targeted towards automobile fuel cells.
作为解决有机电子器件和纳米结构领域关键问题的先行者,许谷教授在材料科学工程的许多研究领域作出了开创性的贡献,例如,首次对于碳纳米管的精确结构这一长期悬而未决的问题提出解答;探索性地发现了在有机发光器件(OLEDs)中的本征衰减;率先发现碳纳米管的氢气吸附饱和现象;提出第一个有机内存/负微分电阻的自恰模型。在许多高级期刊中发表过文章,(AdvMat, JACS, PRL, Science,等)。
 The four fundamental principles are essential to the successful scientific and technological innovation but often overlooked. The so-called new should always be closely scrutinized, to avoid the repetition. A general pattern of science-technology development will be discussed, and exemplified by real research projects in organic electronics as well as in nano structural detection.